During my personal training I come across many people who believe that the secret to flat abs is a gazillion crunches and ab exercises. They rather do those and never succeed than doing what it really takes to get flat abs or even a six-pack. It is...

Alright, here is another one on the list of debunking some of the so called nutrition facts. Fat is not the big evil nutrient that packs on the pounds. It also plays a vital role in our health.  Like everything, please use in moderation. Please be aware that...

Teaching Boot Camp and also as a one on one Personal Trainer I have come across a whole bunch of questions concerning carbs: I know, a lot of fad diets tell you that carbohydrates are bad, but that is not necessarily the case. Actually, some of...

Hi, Michael here again, Three days ago I told you about my new 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program that start Tuesday the 7th. Well, the response to my 21 day rapid fat loss bootcamp has been huge. I have more information for those of you who want...

Check this out. I talked to my friend the chiropractor Markus Schuster next door. As a personal trainer I  have been working with him and some of his clients for the past year and have to say we had some awesome results. The reason I am posting...

We can learn a lot for our own fitness goals from people who have overcome difficult situations and hardships like cancer, being paraplegic, etc. They have mastered their life and instead of suffering, they live their life to the fullest. This article is about the...

Well most of you know me pretty well. I don't really endorse a lot of supplements for various reasons. That does not mean, though, that I myself am not taking any. I do take supplements, very few and very specific to my training needs. Your...