Tired of Training?

First of all I apologize for not posting for so long. We had some issues with the website host but it finally was resolved.

In personal training we don’t see people getting tired of training nearly as much as when people work out by themselves. Because we as trainers often have odd hours our training is primarily solo and we do experience workout fatigue occasionally. The motivation is dropping, we might want to skip workouts and consequently the nutrition has a tendency to fall of the wagon.
Sometimes my personal trainers and I get asked: “How do you stay motivated?” The solution to that consists of several factors.

Weight Training


  1. Scale your training – Don’t always go all out, some days need to be easier, take the time to smell the roses, so to speak. Your body cannot take 100% all the time. 
  2. Pamper as hard as you work – If we work hard we pamper our bodies as well. Take a nap in the afternoon, have a massage, enjoy a long hot shower, soak your feet, you name it. Your body deserves it.
  3. Log your workouts: Some of us log their workouts social media websites like Fitocracy designed for it. It keeps us accountable.
  4. Socialize with like-minded people – If you don’t have friends who are into fitness, above mentioned social media websites can provide you with a network that supports you in your quest for fitness.
  5. If you like running, go do running events, even if it is just for fun, if you like lifting maybe check out a bodybuilding event. It really is a motivation boost to be among others who have the same goals. You get the idea.
  6. Talk about it – Talk shop to others about it, you might learn something and you keep your motivation up.
  7. Find the right environment – If you seriously like to lift weights the YMCA might not be for you but if you like the social atmosphere then maybe it is. You need to find the environment that keeps you happy that supports who you are.
  8. Train with a trainer – Haha, you think I am promoting myself? I guess I kind of am, but listen to this most of our clients have been with us for years (up to 8 years) whereas most people give up exercise after two months!
  9. Use exercise as a way of reinventing yourself! If you are overweight, imagine the skinnier you. If you feel like you are weak, imagine you being athletic.

These are just a few ways that can help you with your training.

Let me know if we can help you,



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